CICOLAB is organized under Lovevolv, a US-based nonprofit organization
Lovevolv Inc, a NYS not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization founded in 1999 by Charles Blass, is dedicated to arts and education; production and programming; project development, artist management, and marketing; research, preservation and archiving; personal and planetary healing.
Lovevolv developed programs including Poetry For Peace workshops for young refugees from Liberia and Sierra Leone; the forum; Global Tribe Radio in conjunction with PBS TV series; first annual Global Peace Film Festival gala; the Love Project Times Square billboard; Sun Ra Mythic Dream Arkestra film project in collaboration with Marshall Allen and Uncool Editions. Co-founded LiveWired Music and executive produced suite of launch products. Produced radio programs, festivals and concerts in multiple departments at WKCR-FM in New York. Worked with to develop artist community. Advised the collaboration framework. Co-developed PledgeStream crowdfunding and project development platform. Developed content and community for social impact collaboration platform Supported strategy and network development for Chris Agnos and Sustainable Human. Co-organized Transmedia Zurich events. Provided fiscal sponsorship conduit for Rethink Charity, a hub of the global Effective Altruism movement. Co-created 'A Better World' and 'OneShift' ecosystem initiatives.
Supported design, steering and business development of the Climate Change and Consciousness conference (April 2019, Findhorn, Scotland).
Lovevolv Inc is currently (as of May 2020) engaged in the following:
- co-creating/operating the Collective Intelligence Collaboratory ( #rapidlearning network generating #coronawisdom with Lauren Nignon
- member of the Translocal Strategy Circle of the Thriving Resilient Communities Collaboratory
- founding/ ongoing member of Open Learning Commons
- contributing to the Peeragogy Handbook
- supporting strategy and network development of the Wise Democracy Project
- growing the Global Dialog and 'Maps Galaxy' framework collections
- growing Lovolution International, arts education and changemaking community
- developing the Sun Ra Institute (Omniversity) to preserve and perpetuate the legacy of a musical and cultural icon
- providing language and media production services
- programming in multiple music genres at Radio LoRa 97.5FM in Zurich, Switzerland